TheVagar rises from Serra da Esperança, a pure, untouched place, where nature, peace and immensity stand out. It' s there, right in the town of Belmonte, where the authenticity of a humble, unpretentious, simple and transparent community emerges. A reflection of centuries of history defending the territory. A legacy of courage, firmness and determination.
Belmonte may be the beginning, the middle or the end. Integrated in the project “Aldeias Históricas de Portugal”, which joins together Almeida, Belmonte, Castelo Mendo, Castelo Novo, Castelo Rodrigo, Idanha-a-Velha, Linhares da Beira, Marialva, Monsanto, Piódão, Sortelha and Trancoso, this territory, each and every one of them promises the calm, tranquility and silence that urges in the mind of every visitor. The old people play cards in the street. The sheep graze right there. Neighbours know each other by name. Life unfolds in slow motion. Time really does seem to have stopped. It is inevitable: you will let yourself be influenced by the freedom to purely exist.

If you haven't made up your mind yet, start with us. Start TheVagar. From here you'll get anywhere. You will find your destination, all destinations. We will listen to you. Understand your needs. Help you to find your way. Consider the enchantment you wish to experience. Whisper to you the best clues about what to see, what to hear, what to taste, what to smell, what to feel. Come alone. Bring the family. Invite a friend. Arrive by car. Bring your bicycle. Or just come. Get to know. Participate in an event. Take a walk. Enjoy a show. Watch the stars. Or serenely be at ease.
Looking at the scenery, the walls, the ruins, you can imagine vigorous battles, bloody confrontations and distinct victories. The victories are the reason for so many churches, chapels and shrines throughout the country, which were built in appreciation and devotion to a superior force. Thus, we discover a little of the culture, something about ways and manners, a lot of tradition, a lot of people. Come for the pleasure of it. Come TheVagar.
This is just a glimpse of what you can discover, learn and get to know when you visit TheVagar. A few hours, a story. A few days, a chapter. A few weeks, a book. A few months, an encyclopaedia. Here lie the facts, the legends, the magic. Come to TheVagar. Come to the Serra da Esperança. Come to Belmonte. Come to Serra da Estrela. Come to the Historical Villages of Portugal. Come to the city centre. Come to the countryside. Come to Portugal!