"God wills, man dreams, and the work is born"
Fernando Pessoa
TheVagar was still just a dream, and long before the project was born, one thing was already clear: sustainability and a certification that would reinforce this commitment were a “must have”.
From the very first moment, TheVagar has initiatives and makes decisions that are based on all three pillars of sustainability: People, Environment and Economy. It became easy, therefore, to choose which certification would be the most suitable for us - the Biosphere Certification.
Biosphere Portugal is responsible for the certification of tourist destinations and companies of the sector in Portugal, whose references are aligned with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It is important to highlight that TheVagar is part of the Historical Villages of Portugal, which, together, are the first destination to be certified in Portugal.
Our concern for the environment can be sensed in the granite walls, which we have firmly decided to keep. In the elegant ivy, which we are grateful for the beauty it brings to our façades. In the 18th century tiles, which reminds us of "A Chandeirinha", with its history, its legacy. In the construction materials, such as cork or wood, which are natural, authentic, and strong. In the absence of any chemicals in the maintenance of our beloved plants. In the respect and preservation of the little animals that generously let us live here, with them, in their home. In the use of the water springs, spread all over the Serra da Esperança, a precious help in our daily tasks. In the organic production, which paints our fields with green and brings ancestral flavours to our table.

Socially and economically, our motto is "what's national is good". From the bricks to the crockery in our breakfast room, here we breathe Portugal. But we go further. We go deeper. We invest in partnerships with local companies. We truly believe in the power of cooperation. We understand that the promotion of our partners' products and services can make the difference in our guests' experience. And we make it happen. We let you know about the best bread in the region, the tastiest cheese or the most graceful wine. And these treats don't just arrive by anyone's hand. They are delivered to you by local people, who genuinely love you and are thrilled to share this treasure with you.
Carefully planned initiatives suitable for each season of the year are a constant at TheVagar. From planting trees, harvesting products from our organic vegetable garden, the observation walks in the mountains, where at any moment we can meet a bambi or a partridge, the contemplation of the stars, the feeding or hygiene of our four-legged friends, are examples of respect, education and kindness. For People. For the environment. For the Economy.
Above all, we want our guests to enjoy TheVagar to the full. To slow down, to enjoy, to live in the moment. Here, we do everything for your well-being and the planet's. Can you feel it?