At TheVagar we believe in the benefits of small details. We have at your disposal a simple but intense library. Here you will find stories, information, advice, teachings, journeys and peace. You will discover books. Physical ones. On paper. Which, in a highly digitalised world, can even be a rarity. We know the importance of simplicity. Of originality. Of genuineness. .
Here you breathe slowlife and soulful meaning. Everything has a purpose, a meaning, a sense. Above all, your well-being, your self-knowledge, your self-awareness. So, we have been inspired by an ancient practice: bibliotherapy. And we offer useful, interesting, consistent and healing readings. Choose your book according to your inner state and let the magic happen. The therapeutic power of stories is unquestionable. All you have to do is allow yourself to see it.

It is in the book "The Novel Cure ", by Susan Elderkin and Ella Berthoud, that we were inspired to fill our library. It is divided by categories of ailment, so if your problem is related to insomnia, for example, you can take The Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa to your room and read it comfortably by the fireplace. If, on the other hand, you have trouble managing your anger, The Old Man and the Sea, by Ernest Hemingway, may be your best option. Stay right there by the living room by the panoramic window, enjoy A Month in the Country by J.J. Carr, and learn to enjoy each day as if it were your last. But if your dilemma is career-related, The Sisters Brothers by Patrick Dewitt is the ideal book to help you through it. Read it in the garden, in the chapel or by the pool.
But we don't stop there. We want to go further. To more People. That's why we have created a monthly rubric on this topic and, each month, you will be able to follow on our social networks and here, on our blog, which reading is best for a specific situation.
We hope you will feel identified and that you can enjoy everything we have lovingly prepared for you. Each and every day. Every moment. Each detail.